The other Reykjavik
#powertothepeople – XJ
Power to the people
People with low income, pensioners, immigrants, the disabled, and the impoverished will become directly involved in control of the city.
Housing for all
The city should itself establish a building association to build apartments for people and families who are most in need.
No more wage slavery
It is indefensible to build up an education and welfare system in which the staff is paid wages that don’t meet the cost of living.
Down with outsourcing
All city employees should work directly for the city and not for an employment agency or sub-contractor or in any other way that decreases benefits.
Join the campaign
The Socialist Party needs your help reaching voters. Join our call-center Facebook group for more information.
Class-free education system
All children should have the same educational opportunities and benefits regardless of the financial situation or national origin of their parents.
Effective public transport
The routes and service of the bus system must meet the needs and expectations of the people who use them.
Organizational power to the people
Contractors and capitalist speculators should not have control over city planning. Rather, building and planning in the city should be done in cooperation with residents and should be in line with their interests and expectations.